Sunday, March 7, 2010

Negro vs. Black

Negro vs. Black

Brothers and Sisters,

P L E A S E : Stop referring to those AfroDescendants from the United States as ‘Blacks’, and those of us from Spanish speaking countries as ‘Latinos’… because at the end of the day, the ancestors of those from the United States, were equally kidnapped from Africa and brought here to the so called ‘NEW WORLD’ on the same ‘slavery boat’ as our ancestors… only we were ‘sold’ to a different slave holder as they were… that’s all.

‘Latin’ or ‘Hispanic’ is nothing more than a couple of segregatory as well as discriminatory words used by the ‘English’ speaking population in general to put us all inside the same ‘racial bag’…

By calling them ‘BLACKS’ and calling ourselves ‘LATINOS’ or ‘HISPANOS’, we are accepting and admitting by default that we are different or even less ‘black’ than they are, when we both in fact ‘ARE ONE AND THE SAME PEOPLE’, and –no– I don’t mean human kind… I mean ‘NEGROS’.

–We, the so called ‘Latinos’ or ‘Hispanos’ are not the same as the next one… we come in a wide variety of races… and –yes– BLACK being one of them… the one we beyond any doubt and really belong to.

Hispanic or Latin is not a race… those are simply two words which only mean that we speak a specific native or cultural language and nothing more. Hispanics, because we speak Spanish; Latinos, because Spanish is one of the multiple tongues derived from Latin, such as: Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Aragonese, Corsican, Catalan, Sardinian, and a few others.

Do not confuse ‘language’ with ‘race’, because your lingo does NOT change your race or the color of your skin in any possible way; so, STOP marking ‘Hispanic’ on any paper forms, ignorantly segregating yourself from the proper choice box… BLACK.

Giunëur B. Môsi – Barûle Gazette

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